The sweep operator

The EM algorithm
Matrix algebra

Edoardo Costantini


November 17, 2021


The sweep operator is a matrix transformation commonly used to estimate regression models. It performs elementary row operations on a \(p \times p\) matrix which happens to be particularly useful to estimate multivariate linear models. Little and Rubin (2002, p148) defined it as follows:

The sweep operator is defined for symmetric matrices as follows. A \(p \times p\) symmetric matrix G is said to be swept on row and column k if it is replaced by another symmetric \(p \times p\) matrix H with elements defined as follows: \[ h_{kk} = -1/g_{kk} \] \[ h_{jk} = h_{kj} = \frac{g_{jk}}{g_{kk}}, j \neq k \] \[ h_{jl} = g_{jl} - \frac{g_{jk}g_{kl}}{g_{kk}}, j \neq k, l \neq k \]

The notation indicating this transformation is usually a variation of \(\text{SWEEP}[k]G\), which can be read as sweeping matrix \(G\) on column (and row) \(k\). It is important to know that:

  • Any symmetric matrix \(G\) can be swept over \(l\) multiple positions. The notation \(\text{SWEEP}[k_1, k_2, ..., k_l]G\) indicates successive applications of \(\text{SWEEP}[k]G\) with \(k = k_1, \dots, k_l\).
  • The sweep operator is commutative. Sweeps on multiple positions do not need to be carried out in any particular order:

\[ \text{SWEEP}[k_2]\text{SWEEP}[k_1]G = \text{SWEEP}[k_1]\text{SWEEP}[k_2]G \]

  • The \(l\) sweeping positions do not need to be consecutive. For example, \(k_1\) could indicate the third column and \(k_2\) could indicate the sixth column.

In this post, I want to show how the sweep operator can be used to estimate the parameters of any linear regressions model. If you are interested in the mathematical details, I recommend reading the full sweep operator description in Goodnight (1979, p154), Schafer (1997), or Little and Rubin (2002, p148).

Goodnight (1979, p150) is a particularly helpful paper as it describes an easy implementation of the sweep operator. Following Goodnight, given an originally symmetric positive definite matrix G, \(\text{SWEEP}[k]G\) modifies a matrix G as follows:

  • Step 1: Let \(D = g_{kk}\)
  • Step 2: Divide row \(k\) by \(D\).
  • Step 3: For every other row \(i \neq k\), let \(B = g_{ik}\). Subtract \(B \times \text{row } k\) from row \(i\). Set \(g_{ik} = -B/D\).
  • Step 4: Set \(g_{kk} = 1/D\).

Learn by coding

Coding a sweep function in R

Let’s start by coding a simple function that performs the operations described by Goodnight (1979, p150). We want a function that takes as inputs a symmetric matrix (argument G) and a vector of positions to sweep over (argument K). The function below takes these two inputs and performs the four sweep steps for every element of K.

# Write an R function implementing SWEEP(k)[G] according to Goodnight ----------

sweepGoodnight <- function (G, K){

  for(k in K){
    # Step 1: Let D = g_kk
    D <- G[k, k]

    # Step 2: Divide row k by D.
    G[k, ] <- G[k, ] / D

    # Step 3:
    # - For every other row i != k, let B = g_ik
    # - Subtract B \times row k from row i.
    # - set g_ik = -B/D.
    for(i in 1:nrow(G)){
      if(i != k){
        B <- G[i, k]
        G[i, ] <- G[i, ] - B * G[k, ]
        G[i, k] <- -1 * B / D
    # Step 4: Set g_kk = 1/D
    G[k, k] = 1/D

  # Output

Let’s check that this function returns what we want by comparing it with a function implemented by someone else.

# Compare sweepGoodnight with other implementations ----------------------------

# Install the `fastmatrix` package (run if you don't have it yet)
# install.packages("fastmatrix")

# Load fastmatrix

# Define an example dataset
X <- matrix(c(1, 1, 1, 1,
              1, 2, 1, 3,
              1, 3, 1, 3,
              1, 1,-1, 2,
              1, 2,-1, 2,
              1, 3,-1, 1), ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE)

# Define the G matrix
G <- crossprod(X)

# Define a vector of positions to sweep over
K <- 1:3

# Perform SWEEP[K]G with fastmatrix sweep.operator
H_fm <- sweep.operator(G, k = K)

# Perform SWEEP[K]G with our sweepGoodnight implementation
H_sg <- sweepGoodnight(G, K = K)

# Compare the two
all.equal(H_fm, H_sg)
[1] TRUE

The functions fastmatrix::sweep.operator() and sweepGoodnight() return the same H matrix by sweeping matrix G over the positions defined in K.

Using the sweep operator to estimate regression models

To understand how the sweep operator relates to the estimation of multivariate linear models, we will work with a data set used by Little and Rubin (2002, p152).

# Load Little Rubin data -------------------------------------------------------

# Create data
  X <-
                  data = c(7, 1, 11, 11, 7, 11, 3, 1, 2, 21, 1, 11, 10, 26,
                           29, 56, 31, 52, 55, 71 ,31, 54, 47, 40, 66, 68,
                           6, 15, 8, 8, 6, 9, 17, 22, 18, 4, 23, 9, 8,
                           60, 52, 20, 47, 33, 22,6,44,22,26,34,12,12,
                           78.5, 74.3, 104.3, 87.6, 95.9, 109.2, 102.7,
                           72.5, 93.1, 115.9, 83.8, 113.3, 109.4),
                  ncol = 5

# Store useful information
  n <- nrow(X)
  p <- ncol(X)

Let’s take a quick look at the first rows of the data to get an idea of what we are working with.

# Glance at the first 6 rows of the data
  V1 V2 V3 V4    V5
1  7 26  6 60  78.5
2  1 29 15 52  74.3
3 11 56  8 20 104.3
4 11 31  8 47  87.6
5  7 52  6 33  95.9
6 11 55  9 22 109.2

Compute the augmented covariance matrix

To obtain the estimates of the regression coefficients of a multivariate linear model, we need to sweep the augmented covariance matrix of the data (\(\Theta\)) over the positions of the predictors. This is a \((p+1) \times (p+1)\) matrix storing the covariance matrix and the means of the dataset. It usually looks like this:

\[ \Theta = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & \mu_1 & ... &\mu_p\\ \mu_1 & \sigma^2_1 & ... & \sigma_{1p}\\ ... & ... & ... & ...\\ \mu_p & \sigma_{1p} & ... & \sigma^2_{p} \end{bmatrix} \]

with \(\mu_1, \dots, \mu_p\), \(\sigma^2_1, \dots, \sigma^2_p\), and \(\sigma_{jk}\) being the means, variances, and covariances of the variables in our dataset, respectively.

In R, we can obtain this matrix in just a few steps starting from our dataset X:

  • Augment the original data with a column of 1s on the left.

    We can use the cbind() function to append a column of 1s to the left of X. Keep in mind that we need to perform matrix operations with the resulting object. Therefore, we need to make sure we are working with an R object of the class matrix instead of data.frame.

    # Obtain the augmented covariance matrix ---------------------------------------
    # Augment X
      X_aug <- cbind(int = 1, as.matrix(X))
    # Glance at the first 6 rows of X_aug
         int V1 V2 V3 V4    V5
    [1,]   1  7 26  6 60  78.5
    [2,]   1  1 29 15 52  74.3
    [3,]   1 11 56  8 20 104.3
    [4,]   1 11 31  8 47  87.6
    [5,]   1  7 52  6 33  95.9
    [6,]   1 11 55  9 22 109.2
  • Compute the augmented matrix of sufficient statistics \(T\).

    \(T\) is the matrix having as elements the sum of the cross-products of the columns of X_aug.

    \[ T = \begin{bmatrix} n & \sum{x_1} & ... & \sum{x_p}\\ \sum{x_1} & \sum{x_1^2} & ... & \sum{x_1 x_p}\\ ... & ... & ... & ...\\ \sum{x_p} & \sum{x_1 x_p} & ... & \sum{x_p^2} \end{bmatrix} \]

    Since the first column of X_aug is a column of 1s, the first element of T is the number of rows in the data, the first column and rows store the sum of scores on each variable (sufficient statistics for the mean), and the other elements store the sum of products between the columns of X (sufficient statistics for the covariance matrix of X).

    In R, we can compute it easily with the cross-product function:

    # Compute the matrix of sufficient statistics (T matrix)
      Tmat <- crossprod(X_aug)
  • Transform T to G

    \(G\) is simply \(T / n\)

    \[ G = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & \mu_1 & ... &\mu_p\\ \mu_1 & \frac{\sum{x_1^2}}{n} & ... & \frac{\sum{x_1 x_p}}{n}\\ ... & ... & ... & ...\\ \mu_p & \frac{\sum{x_1 x_p}}{n} & ... & \frac{\sum{x_p^2}}{n} \end{bmatrix} \]

    # Compute G
      G <- Tmat / n
  • Compute \(\Theta\) by sweeping G over the first row and column.

    Let’s use our sweepGoodnight() function to perform SWEEP[1]G and obtain \(\Theta\)

    \[ \Theta = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & \mu_1 & ... &\mu_p\\ \mu_1 & \sigma^2_1 & ... & \sigma_{1p}\\ ... & ... & ... & ...\\ \mu_p & \sigma_{1p} & ... & \sigma^2_{p} \end{bmatrix} \]

    In R:

    # Sweep G over the first position
      Theta <- sweepGoodnight(G, 1)
    # Check how it looks
               int         V1         V2         V3          V4         V5
    int   1.000000   7.461538   48.15385  11.769231   30.000000   95.42308
    V1   -7.461538  31.940828   19.31361 -28.662722  -22.307692   59.68935
    V2  -48.153846  19.313609  223.51479 -12.810651 -233.923077  176.38107
    V3  -11.769231 -28.662722  -12.81065  37.869822    2.923077  -47.55621
    V4  -30.000000 -22.307692 -233.92308   2.923077  258.615385 -190.90000
    V5  -95.423077  59.689349  176.38107 -47.556213 -190.900000  208.90485
    # Check Theta is storing the means in the first row and column
           V1        V2        V3        V4        V5 
     7.461538 48.153846 11.769231 30.000000 95.423077 
    # Check Theta is storing the ML covariance matrix everywhere else
      cov(X) * (n-1) / n
              V1         V2         V3          V4         V5
    V1  31.94083   19.31361 -28.662722  -22.307692   59.68935
    V2  19.31361  223.51479 -12.810651 -233.923077  176.38107
    V3 -28.66272  -12.81065  37.869822    2.923077  -47.55621
    V4 -22.30769 -233.92308   2.923077  258.615385 -190.90000
    V5  59.68935  176.38107 -47.556213 -190.900000  208.90485

    Pay attention to a couple of things:

    • The covariance matrix stored in \(\Theta\) is the Maximum Likelihood version (denominator should be n instead of the default n-1)
    • We could have constructed the object Theta just by using colMeans(X) and cov(X) * (n-1) / n directly. However, it is important to note the relationship between Tmat, G, and Theta. In particular, pay attention to the fact that Theta is the result of sweeping G in the first position. When I started looking into this topic I did not understand this, and I kept sweeping Theta over the first position, resulting in a confusing double sweeping of the first column and row. I will get back to this point in a sec.

Estimate multivariate linear models

Now let’s see how we can use \(\Theta\) to estimate any multivariate linear model involving the variables in our dataset. First, let’s see how we would obtain these linear models in R with standard procedures. Say we want to regress V1 and V3 on V2, V4, and V5 from the X dataset. We will start by creating a formula for an lm function to estimate the model we want.

# Fit some multivariate linear models ------------------------------------------

  # Define the dependent variables (dvs) of the multivairate linear models
  dvs <- c("V1", "V3")

  # Define the predictors (ivs) of the multivairate linear models
  ivs <- c("V2", "V4", "V5")

  # Create the formula (complicated but flexible way)
  formula_mlm <- paste0("cbind(",
                       paste0(dvs, collapse = ", "),
                       ") ~ ",
                       paste0(ivs, collapse = " + "))

  # Check the formula
[1] "cbind(V1, V3) ~ V2 + V4 + V5"

Next, we will fit the multivariate linear model with the lm() function:

  # Fit the model with the lm function
  mlm0 <- lm(formula_mlm, data = X)
                     V1          V3
(Intercept) -45.7660931 135.1150663
V2           -0.2747666  -0.6559719
V4            0.1455375  -1.0485195
V5            0.6507081  -0.6319507

These are our intercepts, and regression coefficients for the multivariate linear model. We can sweep \(\Theta\) over the positions of the independent variables to obtain the the same intercept and regression coefficients. First, let’s define a vector of positions to sweep over based on the variable names we stored in ivs.

# Fit some multivariate linear models using sweep ------------------------------

  # Define positions to sweep over
  sweep_over <- which(colnames(Theta) %in% ivs)

Then, let’s simply sweep our \(\Theta\) over these positions.

  # Sweep theta
  H <- sweepGoodnight(Theta, K = sweep_over)

  # Check out the result
            int          V1           V2          V3           V4           V5
int  612.422481 -45.7660931 -5.874822779 135.1150663 -6.469828251 -1.408803042
V1    45.766093   1.6538239  0.274766592  -1.6628629 -0.145537538 -0.650708148
V2    -5.874823  -0.2747666  0.085293622  -0.6559719  0.073716182 -0.004651691
V3  -135.115066  -1.6628629  0.655971950   2.4781175  1.048519534  0.631950668
V4    -6.469828   0.1455375  0.073716182  -1.0485195  0.075591156  0.006836668
V5    -1.408803   0.6507081 -0.004651691  -0.6319507  0.006836668  0.014961788

Our regression coefficients are here in this new matrix. We just need to find them. We know that the dependent variables are V1 and V3, and that the independent variables are V2, V4, and V5. Let’s index the rows of H with the names of the ivs (and the name of the intercept row), and the columns of H with the names of the dvs.

  # Extract the regression coefficients from H
  H[c("int", ivs), dvs]
             V1          V3
int -45.7660931 135.1150663
V2   -0.2747666  -0.6559719
V4    0.1455375  -1.0485195
V5    0.6507081  -0.6319507
  # Compare with coefficients from lm function
                     V1          V3
(Intercept) -45.7660931 135.1150663
V2           -0.2747666  -0.6559719
V4            0.1455375  -1.0485195
V5            0.6507081  -0.6319507

Note that, we are sweeping \(\Theta\) only over the predictors, but we also get the estimate of the intercept. Remember that \(\Theta\) is the result of sweeping G over the first position, which is the position where the intercept estimate appears. You could obtain the same result by directly sweeping G over position 1, and the position of the predictors. In code:

  # Sweep G
  sweepGoodnight(G, c(1, sweep_over))[c("int", ivs), dvs]
             V1          V3
int -45.7660931 135.1150663
V2   -0.2747666  -0.6559719
V4    0.1455375  -1.0485195
V5    0.6507081  -0.6319507

Therefore, you can think of finding the coefficients of a multivariate linear model using the sweep operator as:

  • SWEEP(1, \(k_1, \dots, k_l\))[G] or as,
  • SWEEP(\(k_1, \dots, k_l\))[SWEEP(1)[G]] or as,
  • SWEEP(\(k_1, \dots, k_l\))[\(\Theta\)]

with \(k_1, \dots, k_l\) being the positions of the \(K\) predictors in matrix \(G\).

Finally, just play around with what variables you consider as dvs and ivs. You will discover the magic of the sweep operator.

# Play around with variable roles ------------------------------------------

  # Define different dependent variables (dvs) for the multivairate linear models
  dvs <- c("V1", "V2", "V5")

  # Define different predictors (ivs) for the multivairate linear models
  ivs <- c("V3", "V4")

  # Create the formula (complicated but flexible way)
  formula_mlm <- paste0("cbind(",
                       paste0(dvs, collapse = ", "),
                       ") ~ ",
                       paste0(ivs, collapse = " + "))

  # Fit the model with the MLM
  mlm1 <- lm(formula_mlm, data = X)
                     V1         V2          V5
(Intercept) 18.63186149 78.3607367 131.2824064
V3          -0.75087203 -0.2686979  -1.1998512
V4          -0.07777123 -0.9014841  -0.7246001
  # Define positions to sweep over
  sweep_over <- which(colnames(Theta) %in% ivs)

  # Sweep Theta over new positions
  sweepGoodnight(Theta, K = sweep_over)[c("int", ivs), dvs]
             V1         V2          V5
int 18.63186149 78.3607367 131.2824064
V3  -0.75087203 -0.2686979  -1.1998512
V4  -0.07777123 -0.9014841  -0.7246001

TL;DR, just give me the code!

# Write an R function implementing SWEEP(k)[G] according to Goodnight ----------

sweepGoodnight <- function (G, K){

  for(k in K){
    # Step 1: Let D = g_kk
    D <- G[k, k]

    # Step 2: Divide row k by D.
    G[k, ] <- G[k, ] / D

    # Step 3:
    # - For every other row i != k, let B = g_ik
    # - Subtract B \times row k from row i.
    # - set g_ik = -B/D.
    for(i in 1:nrow(G)){
      if(i != k){
        B <- G[i, k]
        G[i, ] <- G[i, ] - B * G[k, ]
        G[i, k] <- -1 * B / D
    # Step 4: Set g_kk = 1/D
    G[k, k] = 1/D

  # Output

# Compare sweepGoodnight with other implementations ----------------------------

# Install the `fastmatrix` package (run if you don't have it yet)
# install.packages("fastmatrix")

# Load fastmatrix

# Define an example dataset
X <- matrix(c(1, 1, 1, 1,
              1, 2, 1, 3,
              1, 3, 1, 3,
              1, 1,-1, 2,
              1, 2,-1, 2,
              1, 3,-1, 1), ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE)

# Define the G matrix
G <- crossprod(X)

# Define a vector of positions to sweep over
K <- 1:3

# Perform SWEEP[K]G with fastmatrix sweep.operator
H_fm <- sweep.operator(G, k = K)

# Perform SWEEP[K]G with our sweepGoodnight implementation
H_sg <- sweepGoodnight(G, K = K)

# Compare the two
all.equal(H_fm, H_sg)

# Load Little Rubin data -------------------------------------------------------

# Create data
  X <-
                  data = c(7, 1, 11, 11, 7, 11, 3, 1, 2, 21, 1, 11, 10, 26,
                           29, 56, 31, 52, 55, 71 ,31, 54, 47, 40, 66, 68,
                           6, 15, 8, 8, 6, 9, 17, 22, 18, 4, 23, 9, 8,
                           60, 52, 20, 47, 33, 22,6,44,22,26,34,12,12,
                           78.5, 74.3, 104.3, 87.6, 95.9, 109.2, 102.7,
                           72.5, 93.1, 115.9, 83.8, 113.3, 109.4),
                  ncol = 5

# Store useful information
  n <- nrow(X)
  p <- ncol(X)

# Glance at the first 6 rows of the data

# Obtain the augmented covariance matrix ---------------------------------------

# Augment X
  X_aug <- cbind(int = 1, as.matrix(X))

# Glance at the first 6 rows of X_aug

# Compute the matrix of sufficient statistics (T matrix)
  Tmat <- crossprod(X_aug)

# Compute G
  G <- Tmat / n

# Sweep G over the first position
  Theta <- sweepGoodnight(G, 1)

# Check how it looks

# Check Theta is storing the means in the first row and column

# Check Theta is storing the ML covariance matrix everywhere else
  cov(X) * (n-1) / n

# Fit some multivariate linear models ------------------------------------------

  # Define the dependent variables (dvs) of the multivairate linear models
  dvs <- c("V1", "V3")

  # Define the predictors (ivs) of the multivairate linear models
  ivs <- c("V2", "V4", "V5")

  # Create the formula (complicated but flexible way)
  formula_mlm <- paste0("cbind(",
                       paste0(dvs, collapse = ", "),
                       ") ~ ",
                       paste0(ivs, collapse = " + "))

  # Check the formula

  # Fit the model with the lm function
  mlm0 <- lm(formula_mlm, data = X)

# Fit some multivariate linear models using sweep ------------------------------

  # Define positions to sweep over
  sweep_over <- which(colnames(Theta) %in% ivs)

  # Sweep theta
  H <- sweepGoodnight(Theta, K = sweep_over)

  # Check out the result

  # Extract the regression coefficients from H
  H[c("int", ivs), dvs]

  # Compare with coefficients from lm function

  # Sweep G
  sweepGoodnight(G, c(1, sweep_over))[c("int", ivs), dvs]

# Play around with variable roles ------------------------------------------

  # Define different dependent variables (dvs) for the multivairate linear models
  dvs <- c("V1", "V2", "V5")

  # Define different predictors (ivs) for the multivairate linear models
  ivs <- c("V3", "V4")

  # Create the formula (complicated but flexible way)
  formula_mlm <- paste0("cbind(",
                       paste0(dvs, collapse = ", "),
                       ") ~ ",
                       paste0(ivs, collapse = " + "))

  # Fit the model with the MLM
  mlm1 <- lm(formula_mlm, data = X)

  # Define positions to sweep over
  sweep_over <- which(colnames(Theta) %in% ivs)

  # Sweep Theta over new positions
  sweepGoodnight(Theta, K = sweep_over)[c("int", ivs), dvs]


Goodnight, James H. 1979. “A Tutorial on the SWEEP Operator.” The American Statistician 33 (3): 149–58.
Little, R. J. A., and D. B. Rubin. 2002. Statistical Analysis with Missing Data. 2nd ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Interscience.
Schafer, Joseph L. 1997. Analysis of Incomplete Multivariate Data. Vol. 72. Boca Raton, FL: Chapman & Hall/CRC.