Implementing a PLS alogirthm in R

Supervised learning

Edoardo Costantini


June 13, 2022


Many data analysts face the problem of analyzing data sets with many, often highly correlated, variables. Partial Least Square Regression (PLSR) is a regression method that uses linear combinations of the original predictors to reduce their dimensionality. As principal component regression, PLS uses derived inputs, however, it differs from PCR by how the linear combinations are constructed.

Given a set of predictors \(X_{n \times p}\) and a vector of dependent variable scores \(y_{n \times 1}\), the least-square solution for the multiple linear regression

\[ y = X \beta + \epsilon\text{, with } \epsilon \sim N(0, \sigma^2) \]


\[ \beta = (X'X)^{-1}X'y \]

where \(X'\) is the transpose of the data matrix \(X\), and \(()^{-1}\) is the matrix inverse. When collinearity is present in \(X\) or \(p > n\), then \(X'X\) is singular and its inverse cannot be computed. Derived input regression methods like PCR and PLSR bypass this problem by taking linear combinations of the columns of the original \(X\) and regressing \(Y\) on just a few of these linear combinations. The peculiarity of PLSR is that it includes information on both \(X\) and \(Y\) in the definition of the linear combinations. In this post, we look at two algorithms to estimate PLSR to get a better understanding of the method.

Learn by coding

We start by loading a package already implementing the PLS algorithm and some data to test our code. We load the PCovR package to use the alexithymia data which reports the scores of 122 Belgian psychology students on three scales:

  • 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20) measuring the inability to recognize emotions.
  • Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) measuring depression.
  • Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSE).

The main objective of the data collection was to assess how well TAS-20 can predict depression and self-esteem1.

# Load packages ----------------------------------------------------------------

# load packages
library(PCovR)  # for data
library(pls)    # for pls algorithm
library(plsdof) # for pls algorithm

# Load data

# Devide in X and y
X <- alexithymia$X
y <- alexithymia$Y$RSE

# Count the number of variables and observations
p <- ncol(X)
n <- nrow(X)

# Define the number of directions we will use
M <- 10

Coding the PLS algorithm manually

Let’s go through the steps described in the pseudo code above. First we want to standardize the predictors.

# 1. Standardize the data ------------------------------------------------------

    # Scale the predictors
    Xstd <- scale(X)

    # Means of X are now 0
        X = head(colMeans(X)), 
        Xstd = round(head(colMeans(Xstd)), 5)
                         X Xstd
confused         1.8196721    0
right words      1.7950820    0
sensations       0.5983607    0
describe         2.2213115    0
analyze problems 2.5081967    0
upset            1.6065574    0
    # SD of X are now 1
        X = head(apply(X, 2, sd)),
        Xstd = round(head(apply(Xstd, 2, sd)), 5)
                        X Xstd
confused         1.178431    1
right words      1.278807    1
sensations       1.073034    1
describe         1.216364    1
analyze problems 1.077539    1
upset            1.295621    1

Then we want to set the initial values

# 2. Set initial vlaues --------------------------------------------------------

    # 2a: Set the initial prediction for y_hat to the mean of y
    # Create an empty data.frame to store the initial value and future predictions
    yhat_m <- matrix(rep(NA, n * (M + 1)), nrow = n)

    # Replace the initial prediction with the mean of y
    yhat_m[, 1] <- mean(y)

    # 2b: Set every xj0 to xj
    # Create an empty list of X values
    Xm <- lapply(1:(M + 1), matrix, nrow = n, ncol = p)

    # Place X as initial value for Xm
    Xm[[1]] <- as.matrix(Xstd)

Finally, we can move to the estimation step. First, we create the container objects to store results

# 3. Estimation ----------------------------------------------------------------

    # Preparing objects
    z <- matrix(NA, nrow = n, ncol = (M + 1)) # container for directions
    W <- matrix(NA, nrow = p, ncol = (M + 1)) # container for wights
    theta_hat <- rep(NA, (M + 1)) # container for thetas

Then we move to the proper estimation.

    # PLS Algorithm following HastieEtAl2017 p 81 (Algorithm 3.3)
    for (m in 2:(M + 1)) {
        # 3a: Compute zm
        W[, m] <- t(Xm[[m - 1]]) %*% y   # inner products / covariances
        z[, m] <- Xm[[m - 1]] %*% W[, m] # compute the direction zm

        # 3b: Compute regression coefficient for y ~ Zm
        theta_hat[m] <- drop(t(z[, m]) %*% y / t(z[, m]) %*% z[, m])

        # 3c: Compute predicted y with the current m directions
        yhat_m[, m] <- yhat_m[, m - 1] + theta_hat[m] * z[, m]

        # 3d: Orthogonalize all columns of X with respect to zm
        for (j in 1:p) {
            Xm[[m]][, j] <- orthogonalize(Xm[[m-1]][, j], z[, m])

    # Fit PLSR model w/ pls package
    pls_fit_pls <- pls::plsr(
        y ~ as.matrix(X),
        ncomp = M,
        method = "oscorespls",
        validation = "none",
        scale = TRUE

    # Fit PCR model w/ plsdof package
    pls_fit_plsdof <- plsdof::pls.model(as.matrix(Xstd), y)

    # Compare predictions using up to a given m
    m <- 3
            pls = round(, 3)[, m],
            plsdof = round(pls_fit_plsdof$Yhat, 3)[, m + 1],
            man = round(yhat_m, 3)[, m + 1]
     pls plsdof    man
1 36.819 36.819 36.819
2 29.243 29.243 29.243
3 31.336 31.336 31.336
4 30.767 30.767 30.767
5 34.869 34.869 34.869
6 24.876 24.876 24.876

Types of dependent variables

# Types of DVs -----------------------------------------------------------------

    sens.pcr <- pls::pcr(sensory ~ chemical, ncomp = 4, scale = TRUE, data = oliveoil)
    sens.pls <- pls::plsr(sensory ~ chemical, ncomp = 4, scale = TRUE, data = oliveoil)

   yellow green brown glossy transp syrup
G1   21.4  73.4  10.1   79.7   75.2  50.3
G2   23.4  66.3   9.8   77.8   68.7  51.7
G3   32.7  53.5   8.7   82.3   83.2  45.4
G4   30.2  58.3  12.2   81.1   77.1  47.8
G5   51.8  32.5   8.0   72.4   65.3  46.5
I1   40.7  42.9  20.1   67.7   63.5  52.2
I2   53.8  30.4  11.5   77.8   77.3  45.2
I3   26.4  66.5  14.2   78.7   74.6  51.8
I4   65.7  12.1  10.3   81.6   79.6  48.3
I5   45.0  31.9  28.4   75.7   72.9  52.8
S1   70.9  12.2  10.8   87.7   88.1  44.5
S2   73.5   9.7   8.3   89.9   89.7  42.3
S3   68.1  12.0  10.8   78.4   75.1  46.4
S4   67.6  13.9  11.9   84.6   83.8  48.5
S5   71.4  10.6  10.8   88.1   88.5  46.7
S6   71.4  10.0  11.4   89.5   88.5  47.2

Prediction of new data

How do we predict new data? Let’s start by generating data from scratch

# Prediction -------------------------------------------------------------------

    n <- 50 # number of observations
    p <- 15 # number of variables
    X <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), ncol = p)
    y <- 100 + rnorm(n)
    M <- 10 # number of "components"

    ntest <- 200 #
    Xtest <- matrix(rnorm(ntest * p), ncol = p) # test data
    ytest <- rnorm(ntest) # test data

    # Fit alternative PLSs
    out_pls <- pls::plsr(
        y ~ X,
        ncomp = M,
        scale = TRUE,
        center = TRUE,
        method = "oscorespls",
        validation = "none",
        x = TRUE,
        model = TRUE
    out_plsdof <- plsdof::pls.model(X, y, compute.DoF = TRUE, Xtest = Xtest, ytest = NULL)

    # Obtain predictions on new data
                PLS = predict(out_pls, newdata = Xtest)[, , M],
                PLSdof = out_plsdof$prediction[, M + 1]
            ), 5
           PLS    PLSdof
[1,]  99.00044  99.00044
[2,] 101.55959 101.55959
[3,]  99.71676  99.71676
[4,]  99.58406  99.58406
[5,]  99.34923  99.34923
[6,] 100.52233 100.52233
    # Make sure scale of prediction is correct
    out_pls_cF <- plsr(
      y ~ X,
      ncomp = M,
      scale = TRUE,
      center = FALSE,
      method = "oscorespls",
      validation = "none"

    Xs <- scale(X, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
    ys <- scale(y, center = FALSE, scale = FALSE)

    out_pls_cF <- plsr(
      ys ~ Xs,
      ncomp = M,
      scale = TRUE,
      center = FALSE,
      method = "oscorespls",
      validation = "none"

            PLS = predict(out_pls, newdata = Xtest)[, , M],
            PLS_cf = mean(y) + predict(out_pls_cF, newdata = Xtest)[, , M],
            PLSdof = out_plsdof$prediction[, M]
        ), 5
           PLS    PLS_cf    PLSdof
[1,]  99.00044  99.07823  99.00042
[2,] 101.55959 101.63738 101.55947
[3,]  99.71676  99.79455  99.71674
[4,]  99.58406  99.66185  99.58385
[5,]  99.34923  99.42702  99.34921
[6,] 100.52233 100.60012 100.52225

Degrees of freedom of the residuals

# PLS degrees of freedom -------------------------------------------------------


    # Generate data data
    n <- 100 # number of observations
    p <- 15 # number of variables
    m <- 15
    X <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), ncol = p)
    y <- rnorm(n)

    # Fit model with package
    outpls <- pls.model(X, y, compute.DoF = TRUE)
    outpls.internal <-, y, m, DoF.max = min(n - 1, p + 1))

    # Fit model with person PLS function
    outpls_man <- pls.manual(ivs = X, dv = y, m = m)

    # Fit model with plsr function from pls
    pls_fit_pls <- plsr(
        y ~ X,
        ncomp = m,
        scale = FALSE,
        center = FALSE,
        method = "oscorespls",
        validation = "none"

    # Y hats
    round(outpls_man$Yhat - outpls$Yhat, 5)

    # T scores
    j <- 1
        PLSR = apply(scores(pls_fit_pls), 2, function(j) j / sqrt(sum(j^2)))[, j],
        PLSTT = outpls.internal$TT[, j],
        manualTs = outpls_man$Ts[, j],
        manualTsn = outpls_man$Tsn[, j]

    # Degrees of freedom PLSR
    predi <- sapply(1:m, function(j) {
        predict(pls_fit_pls, ncomp = j)
    DoF_plsr <- dofPLS(
        TT = apply(scores(pls_fit_pls), 2, function(j) j / sqrt(sum(j^2))),
        Yhat = predi,
        DoF.max = m + 1

    # Degrees of freedom manual
    DoF_manual <- dofPLS(
        TT = outpls_man$Tsn,
        Yhat = outpls_man$Yhat[, 2:(m + 1)],
        DoF.max = m + 1

    # Single DoF
    DoF_single <- c(1, sapply(1:m, function(i) {
            TT = outpls_man$Tsn,
            Yhat = outpls_man$Yhat[, (i + 1)],
            q = i

    # Compare degrees of freedom
        PLSR = DoF_plsr,
        PLSdof = outpls$DoF,
        PLS_manual = DoF_manual,
        diff = round(outpls$DoF - DoF_manual, 5),
        DoF_single = DoF_single

TL;DR, just give me the code!

# Functions needed ----------------------------------------------------------------

# Degrees of freedom for supervised derived input models

dofPLS <- function(X, y, TT, Yhat, m = ncol(X), DoF.max = ncol(X) + 1){
    # Example inputs
    # X = scale(mtcars[, -1])
    # y = mtcars[, 1]
    # m = ncol(X)
    # DoF.max = m + 1
    # TT <-, y, m, DoF.max = DoF.max)$TT # normalizezs PC scores
    # Yhat <-, y, m, DoF.max = DoF.max)$Yhat[, 2:(m + 1)]

    # Body
    n <- nrow(X)

    # Scale data
    mean.X <- apply(X, 2, mean)
    sd.X <- apply(X, 2, sd)
    sd.X[sd.X == 0] <- 1
    X <- X - rep(1, nrow(X)) %*% t(mean.X)
    X <- X / (rep(1, nrow(X)) %*% t(sd.X))
    K <- X %*% t(X)

    # pls.dof
    DoF.max <- DoF.max - 1
    TK <- matrix(, m, m)
    KY <- krylov(K, K %*% y, m)
    lambda <- eigen(K)$values
    tr.K <- vector(length = m)
    for (i in 1:m) {
        tr.K[i] <- sum(lambda^i)
    BB <- t(TT) %*% KY
    BB[row(BB) > col(BB)] <- 0
    b <- t(TT) %*% y
    DoF <- vector(length = m)
    Binv <- backsolve(BB, diag(m))
    tkt <- rep(0, m)
    ykv <- rep(0, m)
    KjT <- array(dim = c(m, n, m))
    dummy <- TT
    for (i in 1:m) {
        dummy <- K %*% dummy
        KjT[i, , ] <- dummy
    trace.term <- rep(0, m)

    for (i in 1:m) {
        Binvi <- Binv[1:i, 1:i, drop = FALSE]
        ci <- Binvi %*% b[1:i]
        Vi <- TT[, 1:i, drop = FALSE] %*% t(Binvi)
        trace.term[i] <- sum(ci * tr.K[1:i])
        ri <- y - Yhat[, i]
        for (j in 1:i) {
            KjTj <- KjT[j, , ]
            tkt[i] <- tkt[i] + ci[j] * tr(t(TT[, 1:i, drop = FALSE]) %*%
                KjTj[, 1:i, drop = FALSE])
            ri <- K %*% ri
            ykv[i] <- ykv[i] + sum(ri * Vi[, j])

    DoF <- trace.term + 1:m - tkt + ykv

    DoF[DoF > DoF.max] <- DoF.max
    DoF <- c(0, DoF) + 1
    # TODO: check that it is correct to add the 1 after checking the DoF max condition


# Extract single factor --------------------------------------------------------

dofPLS_single <- function(X, y, q = 1, TT, Yhat){
    # Example inputs
    # X = scale(mtcars[, -1])
    # y = mtcars[, 1]
    # m = ncol(X)
    # DoF.max = m + 1
    # TT <-, y, m, DoF.max = DoF.max)$TT # normalizezs PC scores
    # q <- 3 # desired component / latent variable
    # Yhat <-, y, m, DoF.max = DoF.max)$Yhat[, (q + 1)]

    # Body
    n <- nrow(X)
    m <- ncol(X)
    DoF.max <- ncol(X) + 1

    # Scale data
    mean.X <- apply(X, 2, mean)
    sd.X <- apply(X, 2, sd)
    sd.X[sd.X == 0] <- 1
    X <- X - rep(1, nrow(X)) %*% t(mean.X)
    X <- X / (rep(1, nrow(X)) %*% t(sd.X))
    K <- X %*% t(X)

    # pls.dof
    DoF.max <- DoF.max - 1
    TK <- matrix(, m, m)
    KY <- krylov(K, K %*% y, m)
    lambda <- eigen(K)$values
    tr.K <- vector(length = m)
    for (i in 1:m) {
        tr.K[i] <- sum(lambda^i)
    BB <- t(TT) %*% KY
    BB[row(BB) > col(BB)] <- 0
    b <- t(TT) %*% y
    DoF <- vector(length = m)
    Binv <- backsolve(BB, diag(m))
    tkt <- 0
    ykv <- 0
    KjT <- array(dim = c(q, n, m))
    dummy <- TT
    for (i in 1:q) {
        dummy <- K %*% dummy
        KjT[i, , ] <- dummy
    trace.term <- 0

    Binvi <- Binv[1:q, 1:q, drop = FALSE]
    ci <- Binvi %*% b[1:q]
    Vi <- TT[, 1:q, drop = FALSE] %*% t(Binvi)
    trace.term <- sum(ci * tr.K[1:q])
    ri <- y - Yhat
    for (j in 1:q) {
        KjTj <- KjT[j, , ]
        tkt <- tkt + ci[j] * tr(t(TT[, 1:q, drop = FALSE]) %*%
            KjTj[, 1:q, drop = FALSE])
        ri <- K %*% ri
        ykv <- ykv + sum(ri * Vi[, j])

    DoF <- trace.term + q - tkt + ykv
    DoF <- ifelse(DoF > DoF.max, DoF.max, DoF)
    DoF <- DoF + 1

# Pls function manual

pls.manual <- function(ivs, dv, m = 1L){

    # Parms
    # M   <- 10 # number of "components"
    # ivs <- yarn[[1]]
    # dv <- yarn[[2]]

    # Scale data
    M <- m + 1
    p <- ncol(ivs)
    n <- nrow(ivs)
    X      <- lapply(1:M, matrix, nrow = n, ncol = p)
    X[[1]] <- scale(ivs)
    y      <- dv
    y_hat <- cbind(
        matrix(rep(NA, n * (M - 1)), nrow = n)
    z         <- matrix(NA, nrow = n, ncol = M)
    theta_hat <- rep(NA, M)
    W <- matrix(nrow = ncol(ivs), ncol = M)

    # PLS Algorithm following HastieEtAl2017 p 81 (Algorithm 3.3)
    for (m in 2:M) {
        # 3a: Compute zm
        store_2a <- matrix(NA, nrow = n, ncol = p)
        for (j in 1:p) {
            rho_hat_mj <- t(X[[m - 1]][, j]) %*% y
            store_2a[, j] <- rho_hat_mj %*% X[[m - 1]][, j]
        z[, m] <- rowSums(store_2a)

        # 3b: Compute regression coefficient for y ~ Zm
        theta_hat[m] <- drop(t(z[, m]) %*% y / t(z[, m]) %*% z[, m])

        # 3c: Compute predicted y with the current m directions
        y_hat[, m] <- y_hat[, m - 1] + theta_hat[m] * z[, m]

        # 3d: Orthogonalize all columns of X with respect to zm
        for (j in 1:p) {
            X[[m]][, j] <- orthogonalize(X[[m-1]][, j], z[, m])

    # Normalize the component scores
    Tsn <- apply(z[, -1], 2, function(j) j / sqrt(sum(j^2)))

    # Return
            Ts = z[, -1],
            Tsn = Tsn,
            Yhat = y_hat,
            W = W[, -1]


# Orthogonalize two vectors
orthogonalize <- function(vec1, vec2) {
    v <- vec1
    u <- vec2

    newv <- v - drop(t(u) %*% v / (t(u) %*% u)) * u


# Load packages ----------------------------------------------------------------

# load packages
library(PCovR)  # for data
library(pls)    # for pls algorithm
library(plsdof) # for pls algorithm

# Load data

# Devide in X and y
X <- alexithymia$X
y <- alexithymia$Y$RSE

# Count the number of variables and observations
p <- ncol(X)
n <- nrow(X)

# Define the number of directions we will use
M <- 10

# 1. Standardize the data ------------------------------------------------------

    # Scale the predictors
    Xstd <- scale(X)

    # Means of X are now 0
        X = head(colMeans(X)), 
        Xstd = round(head(colMeans(Xstd)), 5)

    # SD of X are now 1
        X = head(apply(X, 2, sd)),
        Xstd = round(head(apply(Xstd, 2, sd)), 5)

# 2. Set initial vlaues --------------------------------------------------------

    # 2a: Set the initial prediction for y_hat to the mean of y
    # Create an empty data.frame to store the initial value and future predictions
    yhat_m <- matrix(rep(NA, n * (M + 1)), nrow = n)

    # Replace the initial prediction with the mean of y
    yhat_m[, 1] <- mean(y)

    # 2b: Set every xj0 to xj
    # Create an empty list of X values
    Xm <- lapply(1:(M + 1), matrix, nrow = n, ncol = p)

    # Place X as initial value for Xm
    Xm[[1]] <- as.matrix(Xstd)

# 3. Estimation ----------------------------------------------------------------

    # Preparing objects
    z <- matrix(NA, nrow = n, ncol = (M + 1)) # container for directions
    W <- matrix(NA, nrow = p, ncol = (M + 1)) # container for wights
    theta_hat <- rep(NA, (M + 1)) # container for thetas

    # PLS Algorithm following HastieEtAl2017 p 81 (Algorithm 3.3)
    for (m in 2:(M + 1)) {
        # 3a: Compute zm
        W[, m] <- t(Xm[[m - 1]]) %*% y   # inner products / covariances
        z[, m] <- Xm[[m - 1]] %*% W[, m] # compute the direction zm

        # 3b: Compute regression coefficient for y ~ Zm
        theta_hat[m] <- drop(t(z[, m]) %*% y / t(z[, m]) %*% z[, m])

        # 3c: Compute predicted y with the current m directions
        yhat_m[, m] <- yhat_m[, m - 1] + theta_hat[m] * z[, m]

        # 3d: Orthogonalize all columns of X with respect to zm
        for (j in 1:p) {
            Xm[[m]][, j] <- orthogonalize(Xm[[m-1]][, j], z[, m])

    # Fit PLSR model w/ pls package
    pls_fit_pls <- pls::plsr(
        y ~ as.matrix(X),
        ncomp = M,
        method = "oscorespls",
        validation = "none",
        scale = TRUE

    # Fit PCR model w/ plsdof package
    pls_fit_plsdof <- plsdof::pls.model(as.matrix(Xstd), y)

    # Compare predictions using up to a given m
    m <- 3
            pls = round(, 3)[, m],
            plsdof = round(pls_fit_plsdof$Yhat, 3)[, m + 1],
            man = round(yhat_m, 3)[, m + 1]

# Types of DVs -----------------------------------------------------------------

    sens.pcr <- pls::pcr(sensory ~ chemical, ncomp = 4, scale = TRUE, data = oliveoil)
    sens.pls <- pls::plsr(sensory ~ chemical, ncomp = 4, scale = TRUE, data = oliveoil)


# Prediction -------------------------------------------------------------------

    n <- 50 # number of observations
    p <- 15 # number of variables
    X <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), ncol = p)
    y <- 100 + rnorm(n)
    M <- 10 # number of "components"

    ntest <- 200 #
    Xtest <- matrix(rnorm(ntest * p), ncol = p) # test data
    ytest <- rnorm(ntest) # test data

    # Fit alternative PLSs
    out_pls <- pls::plsr(
        y ~ X,
        ncomp = M,
        scale = TRUE,
        center = TRUE,
        method = "oscorespls",
        validation = "none",
        x = TRUE,
        model = TRUE
    out_plsdof <- plsdof::pls.model(X, y, compute.DoF = TRUE, Xtest = Xtest, ytest = NULL)

    # Obtain predictions on new data
                PLS = predict(out_pls, newdata = Xtest)[, , M],
                PLSdof = out_plsdof$prediction[, M + 1]
            ), 5

    # Make sure scale of prediction is correct
    out_pls_cF <- plsr(
      y ~ X,
      ncomp = M,
      scale = TRUE,
      center = FALSE,
      method = "oscorespls",
      validation = "none"

    Xs <- scale(X, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
    ys <- scale(y, center = FALSE, scale = FALSE)

    out_pls_cF <- plsr(
      ys ~ Xs,
      ncomp = M,
      scale = TRUE,
      center = FALSE,
      method = "oscorespls",
      validation = "none"

            PLS = predict(out_pls, newdata = Xtest)[, , M],
            PLS_cf = mean(y) + predict(out_pls_cF, newdata = Xtest)[, , M],
            PLSdof = out_plsdof$prediction[, M]
        ), 5
# PLS degrees of freedom -------------------------------------------------------


    # Generate data data
    n <- 100 # number of observations
    p <- 15 # number of variables
    m <- 15
    X <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), ncol = p)
    y <- rnorm(n)

    # Fit model with package
    outpls <- pls.model(X, y, compute.DoF = TRUE)
    outpls.internal <-, y, m, DoF.max = min(n - 1, p + 1))

    # Fit model with person PLS function
    outpls_man <- pls.manual(ivs = X, dv = y, m = m)

    # Fit model with plsr function from pls
    pls_fit_pls <- plsr(
        y ~ X,
        ncomp = m,
        scale = FALSE,
        center = FALSE,
        method = "oscorespls",
        validation = "none"

    # Y hats
    round(outpls_man$Yhat - outpls$Yhat, 5)

    # T scores
    j <- 1
        PLSR = apply(scores(pls_fit_pls), 2, function(j) j / sqrt(sum(j^2)))[, j],
        PLSTT = outpls.internal$TT[, j],
        manualTs = outpls_man$Ts[, j],
        manualTsn = outpls_man$Tsn[, j]

    # Degrees of freedom PLSR
    predi <- sapply(1:m, function(j) {
        predict(pls_fit_pls, ncomp = j)
    DoF_plsr <- dofPLS(
        TT = apply(scores(pls_fit_pls), 2, function(j) j / sqrt(sum(j^2))),
        Yhat = predi,
        DoF.max = m + 1

    # Degrees of freedom manual
    DoF_manual <- dofPLS(
        TT = outpls_man$Tsn,
        Yhat = outpls_man$Yhat[, 2:(m + 1)],
        DoF.max = m + 1

    # Single DoF
    DoF_single <- c(1, sapply(1:m, function(i) {
            TT = outpls_man$Tsn,
            Yhat = outpls_man$Yhat[, (i + 1)],
            q = i

    # Compare degrees of freedom
        PLSR = DoF_plsr,
        PLSdof = outpls$DoF,
        PLS_manual = DoF_manual,
        diff = round(outpls$DoF - DoF_manual, 5),
        DoF_single = DoF_single


Hastie, Trevor, Robert Tibshirani, and Martin Wainwright. 2015. Statistical Learning with Sparsity: The Lasso and Generalizations. CRC press.


  1. Check the helpfile for the alexithymia data in the PCovR package for more information.↩︎